The fast path to unlocking a powerful procurement career

There's a myth that advancing in the procurement field means "putting in the time" and "paying your dues."

Upskilling through industry training programs feels like a ticket on a slow train - too much theory, not enough hands-on practice.

Welcome to Procurement Superheroes - a one of a kind accelerator to help procurement superstars unlock their power.

90% of the Procurement Superheroes accelerator is focused on active real world learning.
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"You could spend 3 to 5 years learning by yourself in an organisation. Or, you could learn from the people in the community and shorten your learning curve to 1 to 2 years."

Raymond Chen

No one becomes a Superhero by taking a course module.

Procurement Superheroes is a comprehensive accelerator built around The 4Cs


4Cs Content
Relevant, engaging learning materials designed to level up your skills quickly
4CS Chevron


4c content
Network and build relationships with tomorrow's industry leaders in a safe, supportive space
4CS Chevron


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Empathetic 1:1 coaching to build your skills and confidence
4CS Chevron


Learn from experts across multiple industries to expand your problem-solving abilities

If you're nodding your head, Procurement Superheroes might be for you.


Management consultant Angela Estevez Megias had no background in procurement when she was introduced to the elements in this program. She didn’t think she’d ever advance, and started to wonder if she was even cut out for the field.

Within 12 months, Angela was promoted. Today, she’s a Head of Procurement. Her former manager says he “confidently recommends her for any procurement and sourcing leadership role.”

Procurement Superheroes is perfect for you if....

  • You're an Individual Procurement Professional who:
  • Wants to build your expertise at superspeed
  • Wants to be viewed as a procurement expert within your first 90 days on the job
  • Wants to build confidence in your knowledge, understanding, and skills
  • Wants to build effective relationships within your organisation and beyond
  • Wants to communicate clearly and persuasively with well-crafted messages and stories
  • Wants to manage your emotions and avoid burnout
  • Wants to expertly navigate the office politics that hold many people back
  • Wants a safe sounding board to test your ideas and get honest, helpful feedback
  • Wants to build your network and create new opportunities for themselves and others
  • You're a Corporate Leader who:
  • Wants to build better team culture and relationships throughout the organisation
  • Wants to reduce turnover
  • Wants to see a high ROI from their training investment 
  • Wants to accelerate project activity and double output  without adding headcount, managers, or consultants
  • Wants to provide more value to internal and external customers
  • Wants to augment existing training programs with mentorship and coaching
  • Wants to provide opportunities for team members to develop their skills
  • Wants to give your business the edge  delivering your commercial targets and ESG commitments
  • Wants to unlock commerciality

But it's not for everybody. Procurement Superheroes is NOT for you if...

  • You're an individual who:
  • Doesn’t really want transformational change
  • Thinks your career development is your employer’s responsibility
  • Works for a consulting firm
  • Doesn’t want to invest your own time and money in your career
  • Thinks you can get by just fine on your own
  • You're a corporate leader who:
  • Considers training a “tick-the-box” exercise but doesn’t expect it to lead to actual change
  • Doesn’t care how teams interact as long as work gets done
  • Doesn’t want to dedicate budget to staff training
  • Already has an established internal training program that incorporates content, community, coaching and consulting



This is the first time this accelerator, already proven in small groups, is available on a large scale. To celebrate, founding members will get 25% off their one-year membership rate.


  • Access to Superhero HQ
  • Newsletter
  • Daily Feed
  • Selected Events
  • Curated Insights
  • Access to The Academy
  • Self Paced Courses
  • Agile Learning Sprints
  • Superhero E-Sports
  • Access to The Fortress
  • Superhero Discussions
  • Community Support
  • Real-Time Feedback
  • Hot Seats with The Guides
  • Conversations with a Sage
  • Office Hours Coaching
  • Resources and Tools
  • Access to The Professor
  • Quarterly 1:1 Coaching
  • Weekly Troubleshooting
  • Performance Review +
Score an Exclusive Launch Bonus: Six x 60-Minute Coaching Sessions (Valid Until June 15, 2024)
On-the-go access via app for iOS or Android


Strategic Avengers

  • Access to Superhero HQ
  • Newsletter
  • Daily Feed
  • Selected Events
  • Curated Insights
  • Access to The Academy
  • Self Paced Courses
  • Agile Learning Sprints
  • Superhero E-Sports
  • Access to The Fortress
  • Superhero Discussions
  • Community Support
  • Real-Time Feedback
  • Hot Seats with The Guides
  • Conversations with a Sage
  • Office Hours Coaching
  • Resources and Tools
  • Access to The Professor
  • Quarterly 1:1 Coaching
  • Weekly Troubleshooting
  • Performance Review +
Score an Exclusive Launch Bonus: Four x 60-Minute Coaching Sessions (Valid Until June 15, 2024)
On-the-go access via app for iOS or Android

Talk to an Expert

Skill Unleashers

  • Access to Superhero HQ
  • Newsletter
  • Daily Feed
  • Selected Events
  • Curated Insights
  • Access to The Academy
  • Self Paced Courses
  • Agile Learning Sprints
  • Superhero E-Sports
  • Access to The Fortress
  • Superhero Discussions
  • Community Support
  • Real-Time Feedback
  • Hot Seats with The Guides
  • Conversations with a Sage
  • Office Hours Coaching
  • Resources and Tools
  • Access to The Professor
  • Quarterly 1:1 Coaching
  • Weekly Troubleshooting
  • Performance Review +
Score an Exclusive Launch Bonus: Two x 60-Minute Coaching Sessions (Valid Until December 15, 2023)
On-the-go access via app for iOS or Android

Talk to an Expert

Potential Igniters

  • Access to Superhero HQ
  • Newsletter
  • Daily Feed
  • Selected Events
  • Curated Insights
  • Access to The Academy
  • Self Paced Courses
  • Agile Learning Sprints
  • Superhero E-Sports
  • Access to The Fortress
  • Superhero Discussions
  • Community Support
  • Real-Time Feedback
  • Hot Seats with The Guides
  • Conversations with a Sage
  • Office Hours Coaching
  • Resources and Tools
  • Access to The Professor
  • Quarterly 1:1 Coaching
  • Weekly Troubleshooting
  • Performance Review +
Score an Exclusive Launch Bonus: Two x 60-Minute Coaching Sessions (Valid Until December 15, 2023)
On-the-go access via app for iOS or Android

Talk to an Expert

Meet Your Guide

The superhero mentor who will train you for your epic career is Ashokk N Menon.

For more than 20 years, Ashokk has led procurement both in industry and as a consultant. In executing over 100 projects for global brands, he discovered a passion for developing the talents of people early in their procurement careers.
Ashokk has achieved some pretty remarkable results, like:
  • Addressing more than $20 billion in spend across categories in multiple industry sectors
  • Achieving 10x ROI on procurement projects
  • Coaching professionals all over the world to hack their growth from junior levels into senior roles
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"Ashokk genuinely cares about the development of the people he coaches – a rare quality in most mentors. He has great subject matter expertise, and he always believed my success was his success.”

DJ Bajaj
With Procurement Superheroes, Ashokk wants to take talent development to the next level.

He wants to smash myths like “you need years of experience to advance” and “you need to be a category expert to excel.”

He designed this program to help professionals early in their career:
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"I know this program works because I’ve seen it turn newbies into category managers, heads of procurement, senior managers, senior leaders in consulting firms. With Procurement Superheroes, I’m making it available to professionals everywhere in the world."

Ashokk N Menon

It’s go time. If you’re ready to break out of the ordinary and launch into an extraordinary career, step up and claim your place in the superhero league.


Frequently asked questions

Will I really see benefits?

Yes – as long as you put in the work and you apply what you learn.

Ashok is the real deal. He has delivered spectacular results for multinational clients and has coached people with no procurement experience into senior leadership roles.

It’s a lot of money – is it really worth it?

Let’s do the math. The market rate for one hour of focused 1:1 coaching every week for a year works out to around AU $25,000 to $50,000. And that doesn’t include the training modules, group coaching, live events, and community learning.

Individuals may be able to claim the program as a tax-deductible expense, depending on their local tax laws.

Reduced managerial intervention and real-time support?

Companies can save the time and cost of an internal manager by reducing the amount of intervention and troubleshooting they need to do. The support is provided on-the-go and in real-time. So managers can save their time and focus on critical issues leaving Procurement Superheroes to support their teams to deliver value

What about refunds? -14 day money back policy

We have a standard 14 day money back policy which means you will receive a 100% of your fees back. This is only applicable for Skill Unleashers, Strategic Avengers and Procurement Titans programs. To be eligible for a refund, you must make a refund request through our customer service team ( within the applicable time period for your program as set forth below.

Your online access to all program materials is contingent on maintaining good standing in all of our programs for which you have registered. A failure to pay or non compliance to the community code of conduct may result in the suspension or termination of your account and access to programs.

Our standard refund policy is a 14-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

If you don’t love one of our programs, just email at ANY TIME during the first 14 days and show us you’re doing what is recommended and your are not getting results. We’ll refund 100% of the purchase price

Will this take my team away from their work?

The standard practise of taking everyone away from their projects to spend a day training is counterproductive.

Team members pursue this training in their own time, so the work keeps getting done. The program is delivered via app, so all they need is a phone to connect.

Your team’s Superheroes will get real-time troubleshooting on projects they’re working on in their day-to-day job – so their employers will start to reap the benefits of the training before the program even ends.

What makes this different from the workshops and courses I’ve already done?

Ideally, 10% of a person’s education comes from formal training, 20% from working with others, and 70% from practical, hands-on experience.

Workshops and online courses only address that first 10%. You end up with a big binder full of pretty slides, but none of the real-world application that’s crucial to learning.

Procurement Superheroes is focused on that practical 90%. Our 4Cs approach goes broader and deeper than course content. The ideas, strategies, and tactics you learn from the community, coaching, and consulting elements have an exponential impact on what you learn and how you are able to apply it.

Is Procurement Superheroes accredited?

Procurement Superheroes is not a certification program. This is not about watching some videos and taking a quiz so you can hang a badge on your wall.

This is a hands-on accelerator to give procurement professionals the skills they need to build their confidence and skyrocket their career.

Procurement Superheroes unlocks your power and makes your dream career a reality.

For the limited-time price of just $7,500, you’ll get everything you need to become an in-demand procurement expert.

Procurement Superheroes is developing a supercharged cadre of industry leaders.

The only question is –
do you want to be one of them?


“I’ve learned to analyse different perspectives and categories of spend, and use that to develop the overarching strategy and drive results for the organisation. What I learned about structured thinking and solving complex problems continues to help me in  my career today.”
Adil Farouk

How long will it take you to level up your career without Procurement Superheroes?

How long are you willing to wait?

Join the Waitlist or Q&A